
What Sets Us Apart

In a lot of ways, orthodontics is about so much more than just dental treatment. It’s about finally seeing that exceptional smile you’ve always wanted but weren’t sure how to get. It’s about that incredible feeling you get when you know that you’re finally proud of your smile and aren’t trying to hide from it. It’s about the peace-of-mind that only comes with knowing that you’re as happy and as healthy as possible when it comes to your oral health – and these are things that EVERYONE should be able to experience, no matter what.

At its core, VanLue Orthodontics was founded with a single purpose: we want to provide exceptional quality care and office environment to every last member of our community, and one that they absolutely won’t be able to find anywhere else.

More than anything, we want people to actually enjoy going to the orthodontist again – we want to do whatever it takes to prove that this can and should be a fun and exciting experience, not a stressful one. Every aspect of our practice – from our website to the in-office experience to life after braces and beyond – is geared towards helping us accomplish that critical goal daily.

Every member of our staff is as experienced as they are passionate. They’re also exceptionally well-connected in the community, able to help with dental issues, oral surgery, and absolutely everything in between.

We pride ourselves on how we go to great lengths to make sure that the patient (and their parents, in the case of children) are comfortable and able to understand every part of the process. We believe that the only way to create a great experience is through a high level of communication – and we can’t wait for you to see just how true that really is.

From the moment you walk through the door, know that you’ve selected a practice where YOUR needs come first, not OURS. We have decades of combined experience in cases where multiple disciplines were required to achieve a great result and no matter what, we’ll come up with the right plan to make achieving YOUR goals a foregone conclusion. We offer a few different types of aligners for you to choose from depending on your needs, for example, and depending on exactly what types of issues you’re trying to correct.

From the top-down, VanLue Orthodontics is a practice where patients’ needs come first.

The VanLue Orthodontics Approach

One of the most important factors that we believe separates VanLue Orthodontics from so many other providers in Nevada is the fact that we believe EVERYONE should be able to look in the mirror and see a smile that they love – no exceptions.

Part of how we do this involves the flexible payment plans that we’ve made available. People shouldn’t skip out on this critical level of treatment just because they think they might not be able to afford it.

In addition to free in-house financing, we also offer reasonable payment plan options as well – all in the name of providing you with different options to help you achieve your smile goals.

Note that we also accept a wide range of different insurance policies – including most major plans that you already have. We accept 19 major PPO plans, including minor plans under that umbrella. We’re also in-network with many different insurance options, making the whole experience easier than you could have ever thought possible.

If you’re curious as to whether we accept your particular insurance plan, you can always just pick up the phone and give us a call. Even if we don’t accept your specific insurance, don’t worry – we’re quite confident that we’ll be able to work something out to your satisfaction.

Empowering Smiles By Empowering Our Community

Another one of the elements that separate VanLue Orthodontics from so many other providers has to do with how we play an active role in the communities we serve. All of our staff members live in these areas as well as work there and together, we want to do whatever it takes to create the best environment possible both inside and out of the office.

All told, we believe that any step that helps make our communities just a bit better tomorrow than they were yesterday is one that is more than worth taking.

Your Journey Towards a New Smile Begins TODAY

In the end, we want people to get more than just high-quality orthodontic work when they come into VanLue Orthodontics.

We want people to be legitimately excited about going to the orthodontist again because they can finally see exactly how important it is towards helping them accomplish their goals. We want them to feel incredibly positive about the aesthetic changes that are going on with their smiles, knowing that each day brings them one step closer to that perfect image they’ve always seen for themselves.

We do this by offering state-of-the-art orthodontic care, yes. But we also do it by being upbeat and positive, endlessly efficient, and with a level of care and attention-to-detail that is second-to-none in this industry. It’s an enormous amount of work on our part, yes – but to be truthfully honest with you, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

So if you still have any additional questions about what separates us from so many other businesses in this industry, or if you’d just like to speak to someone about your own needs in a bit more detail so that your journey can begin right away, please don’t delay – contact your friends at VanLue Orthodontics today.